Francesca Medici
Athlete of National interest since 2011, she achieves important placements in 2015 with the victory in the Italian Boulder Cup and the third place in the overall standings for the Italian Cup both for Boulder and Combined.
Enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Parma, Francesca in 2016 is going through a difficult year, due to the increasing pressure of study commitments, which prevent her from being constant and concentrated in the weekly training necessary for competitions. At this very moment he decides to set aside the competitions and devote herself exclusively to climbing at the crag: she starts climbing with some friends in her home crag, at Pietra di Bismantova, where the objectives of her life become clearer.
2017 is the year of great satisfactions on the rock, the hardest routes and the consolidation of the 8b grade with two other important milestones: Remedies of Conscience (Narango – Arco) and Zonker – 8b on sight (Terra di Mezzo). Increasingly determined to raise the bar, once the summer exam session was closed, in 2018 Francesca returned to try Elephant Man, in Arco, closing her first 8b +, after-work a few weeks before. Francesca closes the month of September with a new 8b +: Superballa at Covolo.
Meanwhile, Francesca has resumed competing in the national team; in 2018 she participated in the Arco World Cup during the Rock Master.
Francesca sees her future between the white gown of a doctor and her climbing shoes, thanks to which she will continue for the moment to try different historical routes of grade 8b + between Veneto and Trentino, up to the next bar to be overcome.